Photo of Lillian K. Saba And John K. Kline

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Automatic braking makes cars safer, according to study

On Behalf of | Dec 3, 2018 | car accidents |

Michigan residents who have vehicles with automatic braking features may be in less danger of getting into an accident. This is according to a recent Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study. It looked at General Motors vehicles of various sizes and styles from 2013 to 2015. The reason researchers chose the 2013 to 2015 time period is because not all vehicles from those years came with the automatic emergency braking system standard.

The study found that cars with front crash warning and automatic emergency braking were in 43 percent fewer rear-end collisions. They were also involved in 64 percent fewer crashes that resulted in injuries. The study into the GM vehicles was not the only one to show that this feature was an effective way to reduce the occurrence and severity of rear-end crashes. Previous studies found that the same was true of Volvo and Subaru vehicles.

A car accident could result in a person experiencing significant injuries such as broken bones, lacerations and concussions. Injured victims may spend weeks or months out of work while they recover from injuries. In some cases, it may not be possible to return to work at all. In such a scenario, a crash victim could be entitled to recover lost future earnings in addition to lost wages.

Car accident cases could be resolved either in court or through a settlement. An attorney may represent an injured victim in either situation. To obtain compensation, a victim would need to show that his or her injuries were the result of a negligent driver. Negligence can include driving too fast for road conditions, driving while intoxicated or driving while distracted. In some cases, multiple parties could be at fault for causing an accident that results in injuries.