Michigan pedestrians may be interested to learn that, in 2015, there were more than 5,300 pedestrians killed in pedestrian-related car accidents across the U.S. Another 129,000 pedestrians suffered non-fatal injuries after becoming involved in a car accident.
Although all pedestrians can become involved in a car accident, there are certain groups of pedestrians who may be more likely to suffer injuries as a result of a collision. Those who are 65 or older, for example, accounted for 13 percent of all pedestrian injuries and 19 percent of all pedestrian casualties in 2015. Children under the age of 15 also have an elevated risk of death. In 2015, 20 percent of all children under the age of 15 who were killed died as a result of collision were pedestrians. Finally, alcohol played a major role in pedestrian injuries or casualties in 2015. Approximately 48 percent of accidents that caused the death of a pedestrian had alcohol involved.
There are some ways that pedestrians can reduce the risk of becoming involved in a pedestrian accident. They should cross the street at a designated intersection or crosswalk when possible. If a sidewalk is available, they should stay off the road. If there is no sidewalk, they should walk along the shoulder while facing traffic. Finally, if they need to walk at night, they should consider bringing a flashlight with them or wearing reflective clothing.
Even minor auto-pedestrian accidents can leave pedestrians with serious or even life-threatening injuries. If a person suffers severe injuries due to the actions of a negligent or drunk driver, he or she may have the grounds to file a personal injury claim against the liable driver. A personal injury attorney may help gather all of the evidence that proves that the driver was responsible for the accident, including the person’s medical records and the police report. An injured pedestrian could seek compensation for his or her medical care and pain and suffering.