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Co-parenting coordinator FAQs

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2016 | Firm News |

If you and your child’s other parent are no longer romantically connected, you are likely experiencing some challenges related to your co-parenting situation. Co-parenting can be a uniquely tricky relationship to navigate peacefully. As a result, it is important to seek support when you, your co-parent and your child could benefit from it.

One source of potential support is a parenting coordinator. Parenting coordinators are essentially tasked with aiding parents in co-parenting as successfully as possible in the best interests of their children. However, some parenting coordinators are more helpful than others and their guidance is not for everyone.

Contemplating a coordinator

In general, it is a good idea to discuss the potential value of utilizing the services of a parenting coordinator with your attorney. Because parenting coordinators are not licensed in the same ways attorneys are, some are very capable and professional, while others are most definitely not. Your attorney should be able to let you know if your situation could benefit from parenting coordinator services. If this might be a good fit for you, your attorney may be able to recommend someone competent.

It is also worth noting that parenting coordinators are sometimes mandated by family law courts. If you are facing this particular situation, make sure to discuss any questions you may have with your attorney and make sure to research your coordinator as much as you possibly can before meeting with him or her.

The function of a coordinator

A parenting coordinator can aid co-parents in several ways. When constructing your parenting plan with the aid of your attorney, a coordinator may be able to advise you on certain challenges you are facing in regards to your plan. He or she may be able to tell you what has and has not worked for other families and may help to mediate some parenting-related disagreements between you and your child’s other parent.

Coordinators usually aim to listen to each parent and then advise or mediate accordingly. If you feel that your coordinator is unfairly favoring your child’s other parent, do not hesitate to bring your concerns up with your attorney.