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Alarming facts about distracted driving

On Behalf of | Aug 8, 2016 | Distracted Driving |

Distracted driving is a deadly plague on American roads. According to, 3,179 people were killed in vehicle accidents as a result of distracted driving. The first thing that comes to mind with regards to distracted driving is texting. While this is one factor, distracted driving can involve anything that takes your eyes away from the road such as talking on the phone, eating, or even using your navigation system. Here are some other things you should know about distracted driving.

Hands-free devices are not safer

According to the National Safety Council, 26% of all car crashes involve one of the drivers’ uses of a cell-phone. This includes drivers who were using hands-free devices.

What’s more alarming is that at any given moment during the day, upwards of 9% of drivers are using their cell phones.

Texting at red lights is not safe

According to AAA’s Foundation for Traffic Safety, distracted driving doesn’t stop when you press send on your smartphone. Drivers who text while a traffic light experience an average of 27 seconds of lag time before becoming fully engaged while driving once the light turns green.

Texting is more dangerous than drunk driving

On its surface, one might think that drunk driving is far more dangerous than distracted driving. A University of Utah study found that distracted driving was far more dangerous than driving drunk. The results showed higher incidents of vehicle accidents (3 vs. 0) and much slower reaction times (3 seconds vs. 1.9 seconds).

With the advances made in technology related to smartphones and other devices, distracted driving continues to be an issue.

For the injured, the consequences of distracted driving can last a lifetime. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, talk to an experienced personal injury attorney who can protect your rights.